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Feeding Your Roots

Hello, my name is Topazia Marvin. I am a hairstylist of 20 years and a first-time author. My book   Feeding your roots is about how essential foods can aid in healthy hair growth and overall health. Sometimes we don't realize how vital it is to eat healthy for proper hair growth.  Hair health needs nutrition from the inside before what products are considered to be used on the outside. One of the most asked questions would be what can I use on my hair to help it grow? My answer is usually a question in return such as, do you have any ailments like high blood pressure or diabetes, are you taking any medication? All of this is a factor for fertilizing your hair follicles and having better growth. Thank you for visiting my new blog. If you would like to purchase a copy of my first book, it is available as an e-book and a physical copy. The price for the e-book is $15, and the physical copy is $20. Thank you for your support.  

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